Are you currently affiliated with a public school in the United States? * (Select One) Yes No
Please specify your role
What is your t-shirt size? * (Select Your Size) S M L XL 2XL 3XL
Please provide the name of your school district: *
Please provide the name of your school: *
Please specify your administrator role. * (Select One) Principal Assistant Principal Superintendent District Employee Other
Please specify your role *
What grade do you currently teach? * (Select One) Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth
How many years of teaching experience do you have? * (Select One) 0-1 2-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 20+
What is your primary teaching subject? * (Select One) All Subjects Mathematics English Language Arts Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.) Social Studies (History, Geography, etc.) Foreign Language Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Theater, etc.) Physical Education Special Education Career and Technical Education (CTE)
What is your secondary teaching subject? * (Select One) Mathematics English Language Arts Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.) Social Studies (History, Geography, etc.) Foreign Language Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Theater, etc.) Physical Education Special Education Career and Technical Education (CTE) None
What is your highest level of educational attainment? * (Select One) Bachelor's Degree Master's Degree Doctorate Degree Other
Please describe your level of education. *
Do you hold a current teaching certification in your state? * (Select One) Yes, I have a standard/professional teaching certification. Yes, I have a provisional or temporary teaching certification. No, I do not have a teaching certification. I'm in the process of obtaining my teaching certification.
Please describe the award(s) or recognition you have received. *
When year did you attend? *
Why did you want to get into education? *
Why are you interested in attending the Ron Clark Academy teacher development experience? *
How did you hear about this opportunity? *